At some point, all Kaizen swimmers employ a learning strategy that cognitive scientists refer to as ‘chunking.’ Chunking refers to grouping separate pieces of information together to facilitate learning by remembering the groups as opposed to a much larger number of individual pieces of information. The types of groups can also act as a memory cue. In TI we group by body segment (head, torso, arms, legs) and skill type (Balance, Core Stability, Streamlining, Propulsion).

We learn to read via a chunking process. First, we learn the sounds of individual letters which assemble into words we generally know before beginning to read. Three individual letters d-o-g or c-a-t form a group that represents a family pet.

In step two, we combine a series of words into a phrase or sentence. Via several additional chunking steps we may acquire the skill of speed reading, in which we rapidly scan a page or more of text, identifying key phrases which convey the main ideas of what we’re reading.

Chunking is a key strategy for learning complicated physical skills such as swimming. In TI, we call this ‘Blend-and-Harmonize’ as in blend several discrete mini-skills, then bring the new skill set into harmony with the whole stroke.

Long before I knew of it as a strategy, I instinctively employed a chunking process to learn new skills. This first occurred nine months before the first TI camp, before I’d chosen the name Total Immersion, or even thought of offering a swim camp for adults.

The first skill was Balance, to which I was introduced by Bill Boomer. Bill taught me to align my head with my spine and shift weight forward to my upper chest. We called it ‘swimming downhill.’ Together, they made my legs feel light, something I’d never experienced in almost 25 years of swimming.

From the start, I realized that I couldn’t fully concentrate on both new thoughts or sensations at once. So I’d spend 10 to 30 minutes concentrating on feeling a straight line from the top of my head to the base of my spine. Then I’d focus on leaning on my upper chest (we no longer teach this) for a similar duration. This is called Block practice.

After several weeks I felt sufficiently familiar with both sensations to begin alternating them—focusing on head-spine alignment one length and swimming downhill on the next. This is called Random practice. (Note: I also practice a drill—similar to today’s Torpedo—that highlighted both, giving me a heightened sensory benchmark to aim for in whole stroke.

After another few weeks, I began to blend the two thoughts. One length focusing on head-spine alignment, one on swimming downhill, and a third blending them. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Now I was Chunking.

I learned later that sequencing Block, Random, and Chunking practice (the names for which I didn’t even know when I began doing that) accelerates transfer of skllls from conscious to autonomic control. Or to use a more familiar phrase: Forming a Muscle Memory.

It took me about five years of similar experimentation to achieve Balance in even a rudimentary way (it felt great at the time, but I didn’t yet know how much better that sensation would become.) Over the next 10 years, I continued to discover new mini-skills—like the Mail Slot entry and reaching below my bodyline–that improved my sense of weightlessness in the water.

But the bottom line is that originally Balance occurred to me as several discrete skills, which I focused on and sensed individually.  After the passage of time, and without my realizing consciously what had occurred the multiple, individual sensations consolidated or ‘chunked’ into a single awareness I call “Swimming in Balance.”

When Balance became a single, seamlessly-integrated ‘sensory package,’ that freed up mental bandwidth to add new skills—Stability, Streamlining, Propulsion, and Breathing.

It would be many years before I read about chunking and could apply that term to what had occurred to me. Before and since I’ve developed countless skills by the same process.

For instance—as outlined in the 1.0 Effortless Endurance Self-Coaching Course—I achieved a far more refined and efficient freestyle recovery by breaking it into three discrete mini-skills, each of which occupy only a micro-second in the stroke—Elbow Swing, Rag Doll Arm, and Paint a Line.

Paint LIne Front Graphic 1

As brief as they are, I have a keen awareness of each, acquired by applying the proven sequence of Block, Random, and Chunking (or Blend-and-Harmonize) practice to them.

Paint LIne Front Graphic 2

Fast forward to the present day and I have a far more expansive and holistic ‘chunk’ to which I could give the term “My Utterly Blissful Freestyle” which integrates six to eight sizable chunks I’ve developed over the years.

Accessing such high level sensation used to be hit-or-miss. It often took 30 to 60 minutes to ‘find’ the peak feeling I’d acquired at that point. Now those high quality sensations are absolutely dependable—always there–and I can consistently access them within just a lap or two.

May your laps, and life, be as happy as mine,
