
Coach Bob Wiskera
COACH BOB: Instructing swimmers since 1965, Atlas Athletics' Coach Bob has seen and contributed to the evolution of swimming instruction. He is an American Swim Coaches Association Level 2 Certified coach. In addition, he's 10+year experienced, Certified Total Immersion Coach/Director, traveling nationwide as a Director of TI's freestyle weekend workshops. Bob has trained with and been trained to teach by many of today's leading swim "guru"s." His previous experience was a 25-year tenure as Physician Assistant to Dallas' premierOpen-Heart Surgical team. Injury understanding and prevention is therefore apriority.PHILOSOPHY: One size doesn't fit all. Because no two individuals are precisely alike, no single method or solution works the same among individuals. Differences in height, weight, arm length, body fat percentage and distribution, strengthand flexibility all determine what your body does when immersed in a liquid.While certain elements of swimming such as streamlining the body positionare universal, how each individual accomplishes that is precise and unique.CONTACT INFORMATION:

After the lessons


Now what?  After the workshop

Now that you’ve had a first exposure to swimming with more efficiency, it’s probably likely that you may experience, "it’s just not working like it was on Saturday" syndrome.

To address that dilemma, here’s …
