Terry Laughlin

Terry Laughlin

The Evolutionary Instinct to Efficiency

What’s the connection between evolution, snow-shoveling, and swimming-improvement?

The past few days brought a snow-storm of historic proportions–18 to 24 inches, atop 10 inches from a week earlier. For me, that meant opportunity for my own ‘Winter Games.’

I’ve been …

T.I. (‘Tee-Aye’) Chi

Brian Suddeth, a TI enthusiast from Bowie MD. has been helping a blind friend and co-worker, named Mark, to learn efficiency the TI way.

Mark had attempted a marathon run, but suffered an injury and had to drop out.  So …

I Don’t Want to Become a Stiff, Sore Old Person

 This is the second guest post by noted writer and blogger Mariah Burton Nelson.  It’s an honor to feature a respected author and thinker like Mariah. We’re delighted she’s thinking a lot about her swimming now, and making connections between her

A Splash-Free Life?

I’m delighted and honored to present this guest post from noted writer and blogger—and recent convert to ‘splash-free’ swimming—Mariah Burton Nelson.

What would it mean to lead a splash-free life?

To splash is “to cause water or other …

SAME Strokes for Different Folks

Different strokes for different folks is a seldom-questioned axiom among old-school swim coaches. It says that people with different body types and goals should use widely varying styles.

Put another way, anything goes when it comes to form.
