
The Open Water Stroke

While appearing on the Triathlon Summit, I also described the difference between a "pool stroke" and an "open water stroke."  The stroke you’re likely to develop while training in a 25-yard pool is distinctly different from the stroke that will …

Stroke, Breathe, Repeat

One of the first things new swimming clients are quick to confide is their inability to breathe to both sides—as if confessing an unconscionable shortcoming.  What usually follows are stories of failed attempts to complete quarter mile swims breathing every …

What’s the right Stroke Count?


While appearing on the on-line Triathlon Summit this evening, I answered a question on what’s the right stroke count. I explained that the "right" count was highly individual and promised to publish a blog that gave more explanation and …

How to go from cruise to sprint


Another question and answer from the Discussion Forum

I am an experienced swimmer with a past of an elite swimmer. I now compete on the french master’s contests and am 37.
I have been practicing TI for 3

Word for today – BALANCE

OK, so balance is the word for today.  The TI group increased to nine swimmers, due to two more joining after the first lesson.  Great session today.  Reviewed our relaxed head position and wider tracks, as well as core body …

My video before learning TI

Some people may think I have been able to swim freestyle like a fish a long time before.

You are wrong! As you can see the video above, my freestyle before learning TI was terrible.

The main differences are as …

After the lessons


Now what?  After the workshop

Now that you’ve had a first exposure to swimming with more efficiency, it’s probably likely that you may experience, "it’s just not working like it was on Saturday" syndrome.

To address that dilemma, here’s …

Kaizen Coaching

Since I have been successfully indoctrinated with Kaizen swimming, which keeps me continuing to learn and improve my swimming experience, it seems fitting to practice Kaizen coaching.  After completing my first group of TI lessons at the Kerr YMCA, I …
