
USA Men 4×100 free relay celebration / celebration


I believe the US win, and particularly 32 y.o. Jason Lezak’s finish, was the most exciting athletic event I’ve ever witnessed.
The final leg, and the celebration by the US relay members which followed it should become must-see inspirational …

USA Men 4×100 Relay: Why They Won


 Motivation from the French swimmers’ pre-race boasts that they would "smash the Americans" didn’t hurt, but I believe the prime reasons the US team won the relay was their technique and pacing.
Many will focus on the incredible final …

More on Jason Lezak

After his heroic/historic relay anchor, I anticipate increased curiosity about Jason Lezak. Here are some interesting tidbits.

Lezak is 32, which before-Dara, was considered quite an advanced age for an elite swimmer. While he joined the Irvine Novaquatics team at

Pacing the 400 IM

I’ve written a few times that the best way to pace a 400 IM is to swim negative splits on the last three legs — i.e. to swim the 2nd 50 faster than the 1st 50 in Back, Breast and …

Head Position Key to Phelps 400 IM

I watched Phelps 400 IM on — no TV at home — on Sunday morning. Here’s what I saw:

Fly – His head never nods even slightly. After the breath he simply lets gravity return his head to the …

More on Phelps Fly


This great underwater photo of Phelps during the Fly leg of the 400 IM (click on it to enlarge for closer study) shows several noteworthy things that help make Phelps the best butterflyer in the world.
1) Wide landing

Darra Torres Breathing and Recovery



This photo was taken during Torres anchor leg on the US silver medal 4×100 free relay. Several things worth noticing:
1) "Risky" breath, as Emmett Hines calls it. Lower goggle and mouth riskily near the surface.
2) Recovery. …

Hello and greetings from Sydney

I’m going to be in New Paltz, Lake Placid and Florida in  August so look forward to meeting you all then! I’m on the plane ready to go – a week in Shanghai on the way!

 Bye for now,

 Dunstan …
