
Patient TI Practice Pays off with PRs

The lack of swimmers in the lap pool was a bit unsettling this afternoon, but I certainly wasn’t going to complain. I like quiet, peaceful environments, and I like having a lane to myself. I was in the middle of …


Professional Associations
·     Total Immersion Sr. Coach
·     American Swim Coach Association Level III
·     Tri Wisconsin
Current Certifications
·     Red Cross Lifeguard Training & First Aid
·     Red Cross Standard First Aid

Resume’ (1)

Mike is a seasoned swim coach with extensive knowledge of teaching, learning, training, and motivational techniques. His coaching philosophy focuses on developing superb technique in order to swim fast without injury. His training focuses on quality. He believes that training

Zenswitch Transitions


Zenswitch is a favorite drill for many TI swimmers, because it more closely approximates whole stroke swimming than Skate or Spearswitch.  In fact, I tell my swimmers that Zenswitch "evolves" into whole stroke swimming.  There are really just two …

The Skatch Drill


The Skatch drill uses the Skate drill to develop a higher traction position for the stroking arm.  During the pull phase of the stroke, the forearm should be oriented somewhat vertically.  Somewhat, because it can be a difficult position …

Charlotte, NC, EF Clinic

Greetings TI enthusiasts!
This entry is to announce a new Easy Freestyle Clinic that will be offered in Charlotte on Sat, May 1, 12:30-4:30pm, at the Mecklenburg Aquatic Center.  Registration will begin soon, and can be done on the FS …

Totally Immersed: Beyond Swimming Part 2

Recently, I discussed the impact of approach as a powerful determinant in the quality of your experience when you train. In that blog, I identified characteristics of your approach to each training session that ensure a quality experience and an …

Swimming and Musical Instruments

One of my grandfathers once said that "Everything you do helps you with something else."  There’s a lot of truth in that!  Every piece of knowledge is connected to other pieces of knowledge, every experience prepares us for other experiences, …

Swimming From Your Core

Core Swimming

Recently I was working with a client in the Endless Pool at the Lake Placid Swim Studio on advanced freestyle technique. In the past, we had talked about the importance of engaging core muscles – both for fore-aft …
