
Am I Even Close to Ready?

Oh boy…not the best week for practicing a lot so I guess I am stuck being content with smart. Of course I know that is better. While TI has moved past lots of full length 25’s and 50’s of drills …

The Current Adventure

And so, it is January 8, 2012. In a week I will be in Maho Bay working and playing with open water swim techniques with Terry and crew. I am so ready! My husband will be ready to enjoy lounging …

How I mastered a descending set

Twice a week I swim with a triathlon group, mostly because I have a great time with the coach and swimmers.  Philosophically, however, I challenge myself on every practice by applying Total Immersion principles.

For the past several months I …

Graceful Ducks

Spent a day at the Biodome in Montreal watching from underwater as the ducks gracefully moved themselves around with beautiful relaxed " wrists" in  open " backhoe" position. Isn’t nature wonderful. …

Catching Silky Magic

I can’t wait to get into the pool today.  Two days ago I had what felt like a breakthrough swim.  Those days are so exciting and I hardly wanted to get out of the pool.  

I’ve made huge improvements in …
