Effortless Endurance excerpts image

    (A free 40 page sample from the Ultra-Efficient Freestyle e-book)

Just a heads-up for our readers, in case any of you were unaware that the website has a number of complimentary products– a reader recently pointed out that he searched and searched for the “Sneaky Speed” e-book that he saw in one of our advertisements, but he couldn’t find it for sale on the website. The good news is, it’s not for sale– it’s actually FREE! You can download that guide, as well as a load of other T.I. freebies, by heading to this LINK. There is, in fact, a tab labeled “FREE STUFF” on the site, but since it’s not in flashing lights and neon font, you may have overlooked it while browsing the products. Below is a brief overview of some our popular free downloads– there are more free products than can be listed here succinctly, so check out the full library of swag when you head over there.

For future reference, you can find our free products by:

1) First clicking on the “STORE” tab on the main page of the website

2) Once you’ve navigated to the store page, click on the “FREE STUFF” tab (the last tab on the far right, next to the “GEAR AND TOOLS” tab)

We’re delighted to offer free supplemental info to T.I. enthusiasts, as well as those of you new to our method and looking to sample what we teach. Enjoy… and Happy Laps!




Sneaky Speed image

Product Description: 
More Effort or Smarter Choices?

You can’t get around it; the idea of swimming faster is undeniably sexy.

And triathletes– most of them new to swimming– are constantly confronted by blogs, articles, and exhortations expressing urgency about swimming faster. For many people, the primary effect is to increase existing insecurity about swimming and how to train for it.

While you probably have little familiarity with swimming for speed or time, those urging you to swim faster seem to be in the know. And, often, your efforts to follow their advice don’t seem very encouraging.

You try to swim faster, but it seems awfully hard work just to gain a few ticks on the clock. You wonder if you simply lack swimming talent or as one triathlete wrote me– if you’ve hit a personal speed limit. Will this limit your potential in triathlon?

In fact, what you’re experiencing is perfectly normal– practically universal, actually. Humans are terrestrial mammals. Swimming is an aquatic skill. Our land-adapted bodies (heavier than water, many moving parts) and innate discomfort in water mean we become energy-wasting machines when we enter the water– a tendency only made worse when someone urges, “Work harder; swim faster!”

In this book, we’ll show that the too-narrow question of swimming faster or slower obscures a more fundamental question: whether your swimming should focus on greater effort or smarter choices.


Green Zone Practice Principles image

Product Description: 

What is the Green Zone? 

The most efficient range of stroke counts for a swimmer of any height. These are derived from data on the Stroke Length of elite freestylers, and modified to give “average” swimmers a realistic-but-challenging efficiency target. When you keep your count in this range, you make every stroke count. (We’ve made this chart available in both meters and yards.)


Effortless Endurance excerpts image

Product Description: 

This complimentary e-book has been made freely available to allow you to sample the content and format of the full Effortless Endurance Freestyle book. This excerpted version includes 40 pages of the 130-page full version. Included are these 7 sections:

·      Introduction: There is a better way! Describes the core elements of the ultra-efficient technique for freestyle; how and why it evolved; and for whom it’s intended.

·      History of Freestyle A succinct history of 6000 years of evolution in swimming techniques, with a focus on the 150-year evolution of ‘front crawl’ or freestyle, and why TI’s ultra-efficient technique is the first significant “evolutionary leap” in almost 100 years!

·      About Total Immersion How and why TI differs from traditional approaches; the three requirements that must be satisfied for any technique to become part of our method; and the four fundamental changes we seek to effect in every TI student (How to Think is #1.)

·      Swim 25% Faster at 90-plus? Dr. Paul Lurie took his first TI lesson at age 94, and is still improving in form—and speed—at 97! (Paul, now 98, swims 20 lengths every morning.)

·      Why Haven’t You Swum Better?  We all experience some degree of frustration or outright failure with traditional teaching or training, yet tend to blame ourselves when we fail. Learn why there’s nothing wrong with you that can’t be fixed by a change in approach. Features Tim Ferriss.  

·      The ‘Universal Human Swimming Problem’ (UHSP) Describes 6 inherent causes of energy waste that are innate to being “a terrestrial mammal in an aquatic environment” and how each undermines your efforts; the shockingly low rate (3%) at which the average human swimmer converts energy into forward motion; and why traditional approaches fail to solve them.

·      How to Swim Efficiently Learn the counter-intuitive solutions to the UHSP; the foolproof 3-step Pyramid of Skills leading to ultra-efficiency; and the two little-known keys to success that allow you to bypass “error points” and build confidence while learning.


AND MORE FREE PRODUCTS… Click HERE to view full bonus library!


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