Swim Golf is a great way to experiment and learn from various tempos on your Tempo Trainer. Count your strokes for 50 yards and time yourself. Add those two numbers together to get your "Golf" score.

How long can you hold a tempo? Where are you fastest? Where does your stroke begin to break down?

On the pushoff, take 3 beeps underwater. Off the turn, stroke at the 5th beep after initiating the turn.

Today I did 24 x 50 free on 1:00. I started out at 1.3 on my Tempo Trainer for 50s and realized that that is warmup pace for me. Hung around 28-29 strokes for 50 yds and :44 for a 73. I could hang at that pace for a long time.

I came down in .05 increments, doing 3-4 50s at each tempo. Started feeling more like me regarding SR (stroke rate) at 1.15 and was hitting 71s.

At 1.10, I was pretty consistently at 30-31 strokes and :39-:40 for my best score of 70. I was breathing a little heavier. A good place for an aerobic workout at 10-20 50s, but not quite a pace I’d swim at for a mile, I don’t think. I think I could hold this for 10 x 50, and I’ll try that next time.

At 1.05, I felt too rushed and started adding strokes (32-33) without any improvement in time. Felt sloppy and short.

Moving on to another stroke next week… probably Back not Fly!

Happy golfing,