(Now Open 7 Days a Week 7:00 am - 7:00 pm)
For inquiries or to book an appointment please email the New Paltz Swim Studio team: for Coach Fiona
* Please note: email is the fastest and best way to get a response from us! Thank you!
What to bring:
1 – We will supply a bathing cap
2 – Goggles will be available for purchase, but, for now, you cannot try before you buy
3 – Bring your own goggles, towel (two are better than one), an extra bathing suit and
toiletries (we will have bottled soap, conditioner and shampoo available)
Click Here for Adult Instruction
Click Here for Youth Instruction
* A single session booking is not recommended for new students. It typically requires a minimum of 6 hours of instruction (the number of hours of a workshop) to cover all the material for a new student*
PRIVATE - ONE, 90-minute session $298
ONE, 60-minute session $198
SEMI-PRIVATE - ONE, 90-minute session $180 each person
ONE, 60-minute session $130 each person
**SPECIALIZED PRIVATE COACHING BY TI MASTER COACH, FIONA LAUGHLIN - Contact to book with Director Fiona Laughlin. Denise only books Alice & Betsy so please contact Fiona directly to book with her.
*NOTE: most of these lessons can also be broken into 90-minute sessions over multiple days if you prefer, we have options. Just ask.
PRIVATE HALF DAY (Mon-Sun) One person – HALF DAY, 3 hours of instruction: $595 (Two 90-minute sessions with a break between - 3.5 hour day total)
PRIVATE ONE-DAY (Mon-Sun) One person - One-Day, 5.5 hours of instruction: $1000 (With breaks 5.5 - 6 hour day total)
OR PRIVATE TWO-DAY (Mon-Sun) One person - 6.5 hours of swimming instruction over TWO days (two, 90-minute swim sessions each day and a little more) for $1170 – these can also be broken into 4 days of 90 minute sessions each, if you prefer : D
*Please note that we can only offer semi-private lessons to people who bring a buddy. We cannot match-up people for lessons. Sorry.
SEMI-PRIVATE HALF DAY (Mon-Sun) Two person – HALF DAY, 3 hours of instruction: $360 each person (Two 90-minute sessions with a break between - 3.5 hour day total)
SEMI-PRIVATE ONE-DAY (Mon-Sun) Two people, One-Day, 5.5 hours of instruction: $625 each person (With breaks 5.5 - 6 hour day total)
OR SEMI-PRIVATE TWO-DAY (Mon-Sun) Two People - 6.5 hours of swimming instruction over TWO days (two, 90-minute swim sessions each day and a little more) for $735 each person – these can also be broken into 4 days of 90 minute sessions each, if you prefer : D
*** NOTE: You can also sign up for a half-day (TWO 90 minute sessions, or a FULL DAY - 6 hours, FOUR 90 minute sessions that you can take one 90-minute session at a time (one day each, or two days each) or however you want to work it.
The Total Immersion Swim Studio
37 Kleinekill Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561
• Total Immersion Swim Studio is open Year Round 7 days a week, 7am - 7 pm
• TI Private and semi private TI Freestyle Workshops are conducted every weekend.
• The one and only Total Immersion Swim Studio! Celebrating our 30th TI Season!
What's special about the TISS?
Our Endless Pool is the ideal swim instruction setting, providing you with:
Personalized instruction. We put a laser focus on your main opportunities for improvement and find the fastest, simplest way to make them work for you.
Trial and success (not trial and error). In the TISS, your coach is inches away giving verbal and manual feedback and adjusting position, direction and timing stroke by stroke. Never a wasted stroke.
Real-time Feedback. The pool-bottom mirrors and current let you know moment-by-moment how you're doing. When you improve your body position or alignment, you feel it immediately because it's immediately easier to hold your place over the mirror. Use the mirror to check position, orientation or timing of any aspect of your stroke. Then watch a frame-by-frame underwater and surface replay on a 42-inch monitor.
No Distractions. No walls, No laps to count. No other swimmers. In the TISS, your learning experience is distilled to you, the water and how your movements look and feel. When you concentrate on things that really matter you learn much faster – and enjoy the process.
What happens during a single Total Immersion lesson?
In one session, you will have your form analyzed by a TI Coach via video playback, be introduced to some basic principles of Total Immersion based on your skill level, and learn to experience, understand, and enjoy the water in new ways.
What can I expect from a series of TI Swim Studio swim lessons or a workshop?
When you commit to a series of lessons, you will learn to approach your swimming with an attitude and expectation of continuous improvement through the introduction of new skills, drills and focal points at each session. Starting with balance, streamlining, and rotation and working your way through stroke development and speed, lessons are hand-tailored to move at your pace and meet your needs.
Private Instruction or Semi-Private Instruction?
Private instruction allows you to work at your own pace with maximum scheduling flexibility. This is good option for those who have busy schedules, personal needs, or are on a faster track for learning.
Semi-private lessons allow you to enjoy instruction with a friend or relative at a reduced rate. All students taking lessons together should have similar goals and comfort level in the water. We get requests for swim partners in the summer, so if you want to take semi-privates but don’t have a partner, we can put you on a call/email list to let you know if a potential partner is available.
** Instruction now available by appointment, 7:00am - 8pm, 7 days / week!
About Us
TI Coaches are mature individuals with extensive swimming experience and a gift for communicating their understanding and love of the water with others. All TI coaches have completed the rigorous TI certification process, trained extensively with Terry Laughlin, and earned their distinction as Total Immersion Teaching Professionals. (Please click on the coach's name to see his/her bio)
Alice Laughlin - BIO
Betsy Laughlin - BIO
Carsten Stoever - BIO
Click Here for Frequently Asked Questions
845.430.0247 or 914.466.5956