1. July 3-6, 2025 - TI Open Water Experience - Penticton, BC, Canada - For Details Click Here
  2. Nov 16-23, 2025 - Ti Open Water Experience - Caribbean Swim/Cruise - San Juan, Puerto Rico & The Virgin Islands - For Details Click Here


Experience Open Water......

During a Total Immersion Open water Experience you'll be led on a fun and safe swim vacation. At each camp you'll have the opportunity to develop your stroke so you can swim farther and faster than ever, and experience group swims in open water. Swim a mile, or two, in a supportive environment with a professional group of Instructors that bring joy to learning and swimming.

Terry brief's the group on the beach before a swim off the shores of St John in the U.S.V.I.        TI Coach Cleve Shaw gives instruction to a TI student in Kona, HI.